All-Star Panel Speaks on College Athletes’ Rights to Monetize Their Own Names, Images and Likenesses
Audio, Editorials Opinion
Katie Lever, member of the The Drake Group Board of Directors and its Chief Communications Officer joins Jay Bilas, Maddie Salamone, Marc Edelman, Christina Chenault for a Power Check Ball Podcast discussing the end of NCAA restrictions on college athletes making money from endorsements outside their participation in intercollegiate athletics. LINK to:
Implication of the Alston Supreme Court Decision on College Athlete Compensation
Audio, Editorials Opinion
Andrew Zimbalist, Smith College and President-Elect of The Drake Group, speaks on the implication of the June on the implications of the Supreme Court decision on compensation for college athletes on the June 23, 2021 Bloomberg Baystate Business Podcast: The Truth LINK
Can We Do Athletics Differently
Listen to Karen Weaver’s conversation with Donna Lopiano, President-Elect of The Drake Group and President of Sports Management Resources, former women’s athletics director at the University of Texas, and former CEO of the Women’s Sports Foundation. The podcast addresses college trustees and presidents responsibilities related to the conduct of intercollegiate athletics.
Unwinding Madness
Listen to David Lile’s KFRU interview of Drake Board member Donna Lopiano. The topic is Unwinding Madness: What Went Wrong With College Sports and How To Fix It, a book by Drake members Gerald Gurney, Donna Lopiano and Andrew Zimbalist.