The Drake Group Applauds “Intentional Discrimination” Lawsuit Alleging NCAA Discriminates Against HBCUs-The Drake Group, a national organization of college faculty and others whose mission is to defend educational integrity in higher education from the corrosive aspects of commercialized college sports, applauds the ‘Intentional Discrimination’ class action lawsuit (“Manassa vs the NCAA”) recently filed in the Southern District of Indiana. This lawsuit alleges that the NCAA’s academic ... Read more
Fixing the Dysfunctional NCAA Enforcement System-The 2015 unsealing of nearly 500 pages of documents in Todd McNair’s defamation lawsuit against the NCAA once again put a spotlight on the dysfunctional NCAA enforcement system. The Drake Group, a national organization of college faculty and others has been studying the NCAA enforcement system for many years. In April of 2015, The Drake ... Read more
Ridpath Provides Insider’s View of NCAA-B. David Ridpath, President Elect of the Drake Group, first contacted the Drake Group in 2004 during his ongoing battle with Marshall University over NCAA violations in the athletic department. Ridpath, in his new book titled Tainted Glory, documents his experiences as an assistant compliance director at Marshall. Former New York Times columnist, Robert Lipsyte ... Read more
After Penn State Scandal, Congress Should Make NCAA put Students, Education First-In light of the scandal at Penn State, which reveals how big-time college sports often overwhelm the core values of higher education, Congress should closely examine whether the NCAA is running a not-for-profit enterprise or a commercial entertainment empire. Follow this link to read the Christian Science Monitor article
Collegiate Athletics Reform: Lessons from the Penn State Redux-Unfortunately, most, if not all, governing boards are populated with very wealthy boosters whose donations buy power to corrupt by compromising their school’s integrity and core academic values so as to enable it to compete at the highest level in the murky world of big-time collegiate athletics. This corruption thrives in the dark where creative ... Read more
College Athletics Reform: Lessons from Penn State-The aim of the cover-ups is to protect the school’s reputation/image and legacy, its money-making and prestige enhancing athletics program, as well as to conceal bad judgments by school officials, neutralize material witnesses, and protect perpetrators. Cover-ups of non-sex-related scandals are relatively easy to execute since the events don’t generate the collateral damage and attention-getting headlines ... Read more
Cheating in College Athletics: Presidential Oversight Notwithstanding-Apparently, no one anticipated the horrific downside to putting athletics oversight in the hands of sitting presidents who are literally caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place—between a public demanding high quality entertainment and governing boards who have the capacity (and all too frequently the inclination) to fire presidents who rock the university ... Read more
Taxpayer-Supported, Full-time Jobs for College Athlete Entertainers-We live at a time when everyone seems to know about wrongdoing in the world but no one is willing to admit it, let alone do something about it. For the past few decades, government and school officials have known, or should have known, that college athletes have full-time jobs in the college sports entertainment ... Read more