The Drake Group Education Fund: Realizing The Promise Of College Athletics

The Drake Group Education Fund: Realizing The Promise Of College Athletics

Webinar #1 – The Brave New World of College Athletes Compensation: The Experts Speak (August 19, 2021)

Critical Issues Webinars

National experts answer questions on the new name, image, likeness rules allowing athletes to make money while retaining their eligibility to participate in intercollegiate athletics. Moderator: Katie Lever, Chief Communications Officer, The Drake Group. Panelists: VAL ACKERMAN, Commissioner, Big East Conference, LEN ELMORE, Co-Chair, Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics, BLAKE LAWRENCE, Co-Founder and CEO, Opendorse, … Read more

State-by-State Legislation on College Athlete Name/Image/Likeness – A Drake Database

Featured, Position Paper

The Drake Group is maintaining a state-by-state database tracking all state legislative actions recognizing the rights of college athletes to monetize their own names, images, and likenesses (NILs) via employment and endorsements outside their collegiate institutions. Questions should be directed to Drake board member Julie Sommer at SEE QUICK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND FULL DATABASE … Read more

Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel: NCAA Student-Athletic Academic Reform

Exploited Athletes, Lack of Accountability

Real Sports investigates who is responsible for enabling student-athletes with elementary

Richard Sherman: Student Athlete Education

Exploited Athletes, Lack of Accountability

Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman talks to the media about student athletes not having enough time to take advantage of their free education.