Commemoration of The Drake Group National Symposium – Advancing Integrity in College Sport to Honor Allen Sack

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Commemoration of The Drake Group National Symposium – Advancing Integrity in College Sport to Honor Allen Sack

The Honorable Rosa DeLauro, Congresswoman for the Third District of Connecticut, commemorates the naming of The Drake Group National Symposium – Advancing Integrity in College Sport in honor of Allen Sack, co-founder, Director Emeritus, and Past President of The Drake Group. Dr. Sack, a Professor Emeritus in the College of Business at the University of New Haven where he taught for forty-one years, the former Director of the federally funded Center for Athletes Rights and Education, and a former defensive end for Notre Dame, is a nationally recognized scholar who has published extensively in academic journals and presented papers at countless education association conferences. Dr. Sack is the author of Counterfeit Amateurs: An Athlete’s Journey Through the Sixties to the Age of Academic Capitalism and co-author of College Athletes for Hire: The Evolution and Legacy of the NCAA’s Amateur Myth.