Webinar #9 – Lack of Accountability for Athlete Abuse in College Athletics

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Webinar #9 – Lack of Accountability for Athlete Abuse in College Athletics

Over the last few decades, reported stories of athlete abuse in college athletics have become more frequent and more egregious. Incidents of abuse – including physical, mental, and sexual – have been swept under the carpet, and perpetrators are often able to resign and find employment at other institutions. The media as a whole is often complicit, choosing to preserve their access to programs, coaches, and administrators rather than ask the tough questions about accountability. The Larry Nasser abuse case is one of the most well-known cases of sexual abuse that went unaddressed and left hundreds of victims in its wake, but it is just one of many. What mechanisms can be put in place to hold colleges, universities, coaches, and athletic staff members accountable for incidences of abuse in college athletics?

MODERATOR, TAMMI GAW, MS, ATC, Esq. Founder, Advantage Rule, LLC, Attorney and licensed athletic trainer;
EMMETT GILL, Ph.D., MSW, LMSW, Chief Visionary Officer for Athletes and Advocates for Social Justice in Sports and founder of AthleteTalk;
KATIE LEVER, doctoral candidate at the University of Texas, where she researches NCAA rhetoric and policy;
KELSIE SAXE, doctoral student at the University of Tennessee whose research focuses on cultivating healthy and high performing cultures within collegiate athletic teams;
JANET SIMON, Ph.D., Associate Professor in the Division on Athletic Training, School of Applied Health Sciences and Wellness, and College of Health Sciences and Professions, Ohio University.